About Me

My family and I grew up in Wisconsin but have moved to Minnesota for a short time for my husband to go to school. While here I am homeschooling my daughter for preschool. Preschool and daycare are really expensive here and Alexa would rather learn more than 2 days a week for preschool. Another reason I have decided to homeschool Alexa is because she misses the cut off for Kindergarten by a few months and this way I hope I can combine Preschool and Kindergarten in our lesson. I have been looking through many books at the library and came up with my own curriculum for our preschool. Alexa loves doing school and LOVES that Mommy is her teacher. This way I can make sure she is learning the way she likes to learn and I can take her on more field trips than what a preschool would. I honestly think this is the best decision I have made about school. 

I have started this blog mainly for me to keep a record of everything more easily, but also for my family to keep in touch with what Alexa is learning.